Mooresville Traffic Violation Lawyer

Mooresville Traffic Violation Lawyer

Mooresville Traffic Violation Attorney

No matter how careful a driver you are, the chances are you have gotten a ticket at some point. Every day, people are given tickets for violations that can be contested. Unfortunately, most people do not realize this and simply pay the fees. Our Mooresville traffic violation lawyers are seasoned representatives who can provide you with a vigorous defense to contest frivolous traffic allegations.

At Lassiter & Lassiter, we have helped hundreds of clients in the Statesville, Iredell, and Lake Norman areas fight unwarranted traffic tickets. Contact us to discuss the details of your case and find out how we can protect you against unnecessary penalties.

Best Mooresville Traffic Violation Lawyer

Common Violations

In the state of North Carolina, the most common causes of traffic tickets are:

  • Speeding. Speeding is something many people do without realizing it. However, in the state of North Carolina, driving 15 miles over the speed limit may be considered a Class 3 misdemeanor. This means that if you are driving 35 mph in a 20-mph zone, you may be subject to fines, license suspension, or even jail time.
  • Reckless driving. The violation of reckless driving can cover a broad range of behaviors that most people would not consider. These can include such common mistakes as passing through a red light, failing to yield properly, and tailgating, which all constitute reckless driving. A violation carries higher fines and, depending on the circumstances, can be considered a criminal offense.
  • Stop sign violations. While stop sign violations are usually lesser offenses, which are typically fined around $200, they can impact your driving record significantly, including points to your driving record.

While traffic safety laws are in place for good reason, it is likely we have all broken one or two of these rules at some point. What you may not realize is how quickly a small infraction can escalate to serious consequences.

In addition to the penalties assigned by a court, simple traffic violations can cost you greatly in the long run. Permanent damage to your driving record and increased insurance premiums can make your life difficult down the road. It is worth it to challenge tickets in Mooresville that have been issued without due cause.

Possible Defenses

The three examples above are just a few violations that can have long-lasting impacts on a person’s life. People are often unaware that they can challenge a traffic ticket on several legitimate grounds. The most common defenses used to successfully dismiss a traffic violation are:

  • Necessary violation. Necessary violations are violations that come from mitigating circumstances. Speeding to take a sick child to the hospital and swerving to avoid a reckless driver are two common examples. With this defense, you can argue that while you may have violated a traffic law, it was appropriate under the circumstances.
  • Mistake of fact. Mistakes of fact take a different approach. Oftentimes, signs are obstructed, and traffic instructions are unclear. In these cases, you can argue that the mistake you made was out of your control. In such cases, it is a legitimate argument to mitigate a traffic violation.
  • Challenging an officer’s claim. Police officers are human, and mistakes can happen. It is not uncommon for a police officer to simply interpret the situation incorrectly or have the wrong information. Presenting supporting evidence, such as GPS and photographic information, can help bolster this defense.

No matter the case, our talented criminal defense attorneys in Mooresville can assist you in determining the right course of action to create a comprehensive traffic violation defense.


How Much Does a Traffic Lawyer Cost in North Carolina?

There are several factors to take into account when determining the cost of a North Carolina traffic lawyer. Attorneys can charge different rates depending on individual fees and the circumstances of your case. A more severe traffic charge may require more work and, therefore, higher fees. Depending on the county, rates may differ as well.

How Do You Get a Traffic Ticket Dismissed in North Carolina?

The most direct way to get a traffic ticket dismissed is to plead Not Guilty to the violation. If you choose to take this route, it is critical to engage with an attorney to help give you an optimal chance at success when pleading your case. If you do not choose to contest the violation, you may have the penalty for the ticket dismissed by attending a traffic school or negotiating a plea.

Is It Worth Going to Court for a Traffic Ticket?

No two cases are alike. When considering whether contesting a traffic ticket is worth it, you may want to consider the following:

  • The severity of the alleged violation
  • Whether you have a legitimate argument for its dismissal
  • Whether you have evidence to support your claims

No matter the case, if you decide to contest a traffic ticket, our Mooresville traffic violation lawyers at Lassiter & Lassiter are ready to help.

Is It Worth It to Get a Lawyer for a Speeding Ticket in North Carolina?

It is absolutely worth it to get a lawyer for a speeding ticket, should you decide to contest it. Lawyers are trained to look at situations from a legal framework and have experience navigating the complexities of presenting a case for litigation. An experienced traffic violation attorney can help guide you on the most effective way to approach your case, what evidence is relevant, and provide a rigorous defense on your behalf.

Contact Us Today – Dedicated Mooresville, NC, Traffic Violation Law Firm

There is no reason to risk the civil and criminal penalties for a traffic violation you can challenge. With over six decades of service to the people of North Carolina at Lassiter & Lassiter, we understand the need for a rigorous defense against what can be life-altering penalties for traffic violations.

We understand that each case is unique and requires an approach that works for you. Contact us today and speak with our traffic violation lawyer to protect yourself.


An Emphasis
On Statesville Values

Call our office at 704-873-2295 or email us today.

Attorney Mike Lassiter grew up in Statesville, makes his living serving the people of Statesville and published a book capturing the changing landscape of small town life across North Carolina and Iredell County. His keen sense of history, dedication to the area and 30 years of legal experience make him an ideal attorney for your legal needs.

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